Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I just found out that I have a summer job in Ga. !!!
Sun, sun, sun!, heat, heat, heat, heat!, pool, pool, pool, pool!, see old/good friends! -
Mojito- double !!! And, this time I'm going to climb that Stone Mountain before I leave !!!

Have a great summer. I'll see ya when I see ya (: Next quarter, of course.

Educating Girls

First, I like classrooms with simply one sex - male or female, and on this particular day the girls had whined a bit too much not wanting to do any more work.
'Its the end of the school year!' and 'We've all ready take the OAA. Why are you still teaching us?'
Any way, there was soo much to work on: two-digit division, add/subtracting fractions, fractions to decimals to percents- topped of my list for the last few weeks of the year. It got to the point where no one would do class or home work. They were finished, but I wasn't.
Every morning I listen to NPR: National Public Radio as I curl my hair and/or drive to work. I luv, luv, luv NPR. I've supported NPR in Georiga and I'll support them in Ohio (OSU) as well (That means that I give $$$ during their pledge drive, 3 x's a year).
Driving to work, there were many stories of India and how the young either wish for change or they actually see change coming.
The story that touched my heart was about a little girl of 12yrs. that worked for a wealthy lawyer to help support her family. She washed, cooked, cleaned, etc for about,.. nothing a day. Her family wanted more for her but they couldn't afford it.
Anyway, her burial was on the day of the broadcaste. She had been found dead and they are charging her employer. This little girl wanted to go to school, but couldn't. The students in my class room are given the opportunity to go to school, but they don't want to learn. I posed the question, 'What if taxes didn't go toward education and your parents had to pay for it out of pocket. Could your parents afford your education. Paying for school like college only it's basic education?' Other questions were asked and discussed but those were the basics.
We had a great discussion - actually. After much though- Im sure- students began to take notes and complete homework.
Check it out:
NPR: May 18,2010
Along The Grand Trunk Road
A Young Pakistani Maid's Short Life, Tragic Death[7 min 46 sec] by Julie McCarthy
Listen to the other stories presented along the Grand Trunch Road- totally interesting. Then, turn your dial permenantly to 90.5 or 87. something for NPR and classical music.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Testing Is Not Fun

Monday, I tried to keep one full class and a half quiet while the third and fifth grade students took their test. Too much!! Tuesday, I had another double second grade and a half class. Wednesday, today, I was a proctor for the 5th grade. From 9am until 12pm. If the students weren't going crazy with three days of testing, I sure was !! Tomorrow, class project: Peas and Connecters.

#2) P21 Statement on the State of the Union

Fusing 3r's- reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic with the 4C's- critical thinking/problem solving, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation is the motivation behind P21 in an effort to ready every student for the future global economy. We've seen and heard all of this before. Its called 'The 80's". Each core and elective course all ready requires some form of the 3r's in its lesson plan. Two of the 4C's, collaboration and communication, went out the window with the invention of computer and cell phone. According to NPR, this week, most students prefer to text, about 300 texts a month. They actually want to avoid people, especially when they're talking about that person. According to the broadcast, they'll talk to their parents when it's necessary to receive a 'yes' and to reassure them of a situation.
We'll be talking about this in the next century.

#1) Online All The Time

Youths spend an average of 7.5 hours a day... by Encarnacion Pyle explains that there are positives and negatives with technology. As with all extra-curricular activities, moderation is the key. Multi-tasking is a positive, however, obesity is not.
I am worried about obesity, bullying and of unhealthy personal relationships with our young adults. When I hear young couples talk to each other, I think, they are rude to one another. Maybe they are, or not. I don't want them to talk to me in that manner. My sister deleted a younger cousin and his fiance from her Facebook page due to their language toward one another. And, they wanted to know why she did it. They have no clue of their rude language.
Lower grades, depression and addictive behavior are also major concerns of mine. I am not a fan of technology primarily due to young people thinking that every thing comes to them in an instant- instant gratification.